My metallic thread arrived yesterday and I raced into town and got it BUT when I arrived home I had no enthusiasm to start sewing!!!! With a week without stitching and a production line of pieces now just waiting to be used, what has happened?
There is an old saying, measure twice and cut once, in my case it is measure twice then draw your placement line - Then check it again before you sew!!!!
On Sunday I fused the pieces for my flower vase and dots on my second border of part 8 and was having trouble getting them to position properly as space seemed cramped.
Finally in place, a couple of flowers had to go missing off my silk fabric as I had positioned and stitched my Oak leaves on both sides too close to the center. Not the major issue though.
I drew my placement line for my Pixie border a quarter inch further in than it should have been so on one border the points will be on the seam line and on this one a quarter inch in
I don't have enough background fabric to remake this border so will have to make adjustments when both making the corner blocks and adding the next borders to bring everything back into alignment.
Now that I have aired my frustration maybe I can start stitching again. LOL
Went back to my sewing room and it still felt like my room was so dull and uninspiring, then I had a good look at my window.
From the door
From where I sew
From outside
We planted this area with sub tropicals only a couple of years ago, the Cabbage tree in the foreground is loving it's position as it was a real baby when planted it. the Cycads and Roti's we fell in love with while living in Rarotonga but they just do not grow the same in NZ.
However the bush covering my sewing room window was there when we bought the house and has been cut back every couple of years to a trunk below window height. I had just not noticed how it had grown this summer, blocking out all my natural light.
At 9am this morning the bush is back to it's trunk and sunlight is streaming into my sewing room once again.
maybe my quilting mojo will come back today!!!
I have my vase for the first of my 2 part 9 borders completed and I am very happy with how it has turned out.
The polystyrene board I have been using for LE is now becoming to small and with the sun streaming into my sewing room this photo is not quite what I had hoped for.
I have my vase for the first of my 2 part 9 borders completed and I am very happy with how it has turned out.
The polystyrene board I have been using for LE is now becoming to small and with the sun streaming into my sewing room this photo is not quite what I had hoped for.
Still lots of stitching to do but with the second half elements in place for first border 9 I can see the final picture for this round. Borders are very different but my colors do work together so my enthusiasm is back!!!
I hope to finish stitching these borders before the 15th and only be one border behind when Esther releases part 10 of this sooo beautiful Marriage Coverlet.
One last photo.
Kelly loves our front deck and wants on it from the time we get up in the morning. Here she is enjoying the last of the late afternoon sun.
Enjoy your stitching everyone,
Cheers Jenny.
Hi Jenny what a difference a hard cut back makes LOL. You will have all the light and sunlight back in your room now. Your LE is looking so so beautiful even with the hiccups LOL. I'm tossing up wether to embroider those tiny flowers when I get that far. Hugs Glenda