It has been slow but steady progress the last two weeks.
Have completed the stitching on the first of my bells.
Stitching with a soft gold metallic thread has really brought my bells to life.
I had been putting off making my last four baubles as two of them kept posing me a problem as to what fabric to use. Nine Ladies Dancing and Ten Lords-A-Leaping.
Blue against my red bauble background was the obvious choice but I am using so much blue!!!
Finally my lady dancing is made.
A tiny scrap of sea green plus mauves gave me her dress
But for my lord -a leaping
I just had to go back to blues, his jacket is a very dark iridescent navy.
This was the fiddliest bauble of them all.
The last two I thought would be much easier, the piper only being two pieces
The biggest headache was what thread to stitch it with, It was only one shape with a black oval.
I didn't want a hard black outline but felt my gold mettalic might just be lost.
Searching my threads I found a black/gold metallic and it has worked, didn't on the black oval though so had to unpick and restitch with black thread.
Finally Twelve Drummer's Drumming.
Not Blue which would have been so easy !!! Mauve plus the fabrics from my dove has given me my drum.
I still have to do some finishing on all my baubles to round their edges a little more, that is going to be quiet but peaceful mornings work.
My 12 Days of Christmas Baubles are now complete.
So today I am starting my second Christmas Bell.
I have six days back at work from tomorrow and next Saturday 28th March I am attending a specialty threads and stitching workshop with Country Dawn so my sewing time will be limited.
Have bought a spare bobbin case and a cording foot in anticipation of a day that may well stretch my current boundaries, am so looking forward to it.
Cheers's everyone, I think I am still in time to link to Esther's WOW.
These are fabulous Jenny, great work! Thanks so much for linking up.